“The Beloved Son reveals to us our own belovedness, so that from this place of inner security we may invest ourselves in seeking God’s will and helping others discover how beloved they are.”
Trevor Hudson
Last month, a friend encouraged me that this 68th year of my life would be a year of knowing my role as God’s beloved. I have two desires in 2024, to grow in revelation of being God’s beloved daughter and to help others understand their belovedness.
Before Jesus began His ministry and after His cousin John baptized Him, Luke 3:22 reports, “The Holy Spirit descended on him in bodily form like a dove. And a voice came from heaven: ‘You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased.’” It is easy for me to be deceived into thinking that the Father’s love for me is based on what I do for Him, that somehow, I could earn His love, instead of appreciating the Father’s declaration of His unconditional love for me.
In pondering the question, what are some memorable experiences of being unconditionally loved, I discovered some ways I can practically help others feel their belovedness. People feel unconditionally loved when things are done unexpectedly, without conditional expectations. Doing nothing to deserve or to solicit surprising kindness can make others feel loved.
Taking the time to listen to others without interruptions and listening without judgments or opinions makes people feel valued. An unrushed conversation, giving them the gift of your time, and validating and accepting them as they are, helps others feel known. Using reflective listening by describing back to them the words they shared helps them feel seen and heard.
Doing acts of service unexpectedly, without their prompting, or being asked, shows you know them and understand what would bless them. Coming alongside them in a project helps them know they’re not alone in their struggles. Asking them questions and showing interest in their lives says they are of great worth. Being fully present and noticing the little things to affirm them builds on the truth within their heart that they are loveable.
Join me this year in asking God to help us better understand our belovedness so that we can help others feel unconditionally loved.
“At the heart of the universe, there is a divine Lover who longs for every one of us to wake up to the amazing truth of our belovedness.”
Trevor Hudson
Relevant Reflections:
How has God affirmed your belovedness?
What can you do to help someone feel unconditionally loved?
Image by Peggy und Marco Lachmann-Anke from Pixabay