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A Life Well Lived

Norma Donovan

“The root of all steadfastness is in consecration to God.”

Alexander Maclaren

Anyone can start a race well, but few finish well, in the race called life. King Uzziah got off to a great start, but when his success raised the ugly head of pride, he sinned and reaped the consequence of leprosy. (II Chronicles 26). Success can lead to pride, which leads to sin. But Uzziah’s son Jotham, observed what had happened to his dad and chose instead to fear the Lord. “Jotham grew powerful because he walked steadfastly before the Lord his God” (II Chronicles 27:2). Jotham’s firm belief and faithfulness to God gave him authority.

A dear friend of mine passed away recently, just 48 days shy of her 101st birthday. Germaine was like Jotham, steadfast and loyal to God. She was a powerful intercessor, full of faith and without fear of the enemy. Germaine had the gift of discernment and ministered deliverance through prayer. Many women who struggled with infertility, were able to give birth, after Germaine had prayed.

One of the qualities I admired most about Germaine was her deep intimacy with the Lord. She loved Jesus more than anyone I know. Her obedience, as well as the glass covered photo of Jesus marked up by her lipstick kisses, proved her love for the Lord. What God told her to do, she did, even if she didn’t want to.

Germaine knew who God was and who she was in her relationship as His daughter. Because her identity was firmly attached to Christ, she walked in her God-given authority and was free to be who God created her to be. She feared God, which left no room to fear man.

Germaine didn’t just start her Christian race well as a 48-year old, but kept interceding for hours and mentoring others for the rest of her life. I would love to hang with her and told her often, “When I grow up, I want to be just like you!”

These past few years, more than anything else, Germaine longed to be with the Lover of her soul. Yet, she knew God had her still on earth for a purpose. Philippians 1:21, “For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain,” summarized her life.

Yes, many start their race well, but few finish well to get the prize. Germaine, thank you for being one of the few. Your legacy will live on.

“Beginning well is a momentary thing; finishing well is a lifelong thing.”

Ravi Zacharias

Relevant Reflection:

How can you intentionally be steadfast with the Lord so you finish your race well?

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