The Most Priceless Gift
Most of my life I lived under the veil of shame. More than any other obstacle, shame has kept me from being close to the Lord. It has prevented intimacy with others and has hindered me from being the person God created me to be.
- What keeps you from being close to the Lord?
- What hinders you from being the person God created you to be?
If you've ever felt too bad to be forgiven, too messed up to be loved, then this message is for you.
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Most of my life I lived under the veil of shame. More than any other obstacle, shame has kept me from being close to the Lord. It has prevented intimacy with others and has hindered me from being the person God created me to be.
- What keeps you from being close to the Lord?
- What hinders you from being the person God created you to be?
If you've ever felt too bad to be forgiven, too messed up to be loved, then this message is for you.
Devotional is Free, therefore no refunds are necessary. Shipping costs are unavoidable and therefore cannot be refunded
Shipping is $3.