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True Love

Norma Donovan

“Love is not about how much you say I love you but how much you prove that it’s true.”


When you think of true love, do the names Romeo and Juliet or Rhett Butler and Scarlett O’Hara come to mind? What about God and you? With Valentine’s Day just a few days away, I’m reminded of both my valentines, John, my earthly one and Jesus, my heavenly one.

True love has nothing to do with infatuation or lust. True love stands the test of time and allows forgiveness to trump offense. Love that is true has to do with commitment and believing the best even though you may be witnessing the worst. Genuine love is seen and not just heard and is displayed when “actions speak louder than words.” Love often involves some sort of sacrifice. Billy Graham says, “True love is an act of the will-a conscious decision to do what is best for the other person instead of ourselves.”

One sure way to display our true love to God is through obedience. It’s proof of our devotion to Him. Recently I heard the Lord say, “Every time you obey Me, especially when it’s difficult to do, you prove to Me you love Me more. More than yourself, more than your fears, and more than your pride.”

Genesis chapter 22 describes an opportunity for Abraham to declare his true love for God. The Lord asked Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac, through whom God’s covenant would be established. Early the next morning, Abraham sets out with his son. When they arrived at the destination, Abraham builds an altar, arranges the wood and lays Isaac on top of it. Just as Abraham was about to slay his son, the angel of the Lord stopped him. Verse 12 speaks about the proof of Abraham’s love for God. “Now I know that you fear God, because you have not withheld from Me your son, your only son.” Abraham’s true love for God was shown by his willingness to obey Him, no matter what God asked him to do. His fear of God was seen by not withholding anything from God, not even his son.

Fast forward years later when God the Father sacrificed His one and only Son, Jesus. The proof of God’s love for you and for me is demonstrated by Jesus’ sacrificial death on the cross. God the Father didn’t withhold His beloved Son to pay the penalty for our sin.

The best way to prove your true love to God is by not withholding anything from Him and by doing what He asks you to do. Because your love and reverence for God is great, you will do whatever God wants you to do, no matter how hard or painful it might be.

My love for God dictates that I will obey Him. It means having no other gods on the front burner of my mind and heart. It means giving up what He wants me to give up. It means doing what He desires, even if I’m afraid.

Years ago I made a Valentine’s Day card for Jesus. The card was crimson in color, reminding me of His sacrifice on the cross. In it I wrote how I was gladly surrendering my heart, life, dreams and desires to Him. I thanked Him for His sacrificial death and for loving me unlike anyone else. I closed with these words to the Lover of my soul. “I consecrate and set myself aside for You and Your purposes. May my love for You be demonstrated in my obedience unto You.”

This Valentine’s Day prove your love for God by your obedience. Display your true love through the sacrifices you make. Let your heavenly Valentine know how much you love Him by choosing to withhold nothing from Him.

“Love for God and obedience to God are so completely involved in each other that any one of them implies the other too.”

F. F. Bruce

Relevant Reflections:

1. How can you show God you love Him more through your obedience?

2. What is God asking you to sacrifice to prove your true love for Him?

3. Make a Valentine’s Day card for God. In it write out your heart towards Him.

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