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Norma Donovan

“At the heart of every season of transition, whether you are a missionary or not, God is asking you, ‘Am I enough for you and will you trust Me?'”

James and Molly Bass

During this time of transition, the words to David Bowie’s song, “Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes,” keep circling my thoughts. Our transition, not only involves downsizing our house, but a move to Wichita, Kansas.

Any smooth transition requires acts of surrender and trust. The apostle Paul exemplified this in verses 22 and 24 of Acts chapter 20. “And now, compelled by the Spirit, I am going to Jerusalem, not knowing what will happen to me there. However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me – the task of testifying to the gospel of God’s grace.”

Paul’s life was guided and directed by the Holy Spirit. It didn’t matter where God took him because Paul had relinquished his rights and desires. The Holy Spirit compelled him to take the next step and Paul agreed to it so he could finish God’s assignment on earth.

Likewise, we’re being compelled by the Holy Spirit to move to Wichita. It’s as if we’re being sent. Wichita was never in our original plans and we have no idea what will happen to us there. But through the years, we’ve learned to trust our “Father knows best.” If God wants us to move, then we’re game. We’re dead to our own agenda and our desire is to complete His.

We want to be like pieces on God’s chess board, allowing Him to move and position us where He wants. When that happens, it always ends in checkmate – God wins and we win. We can’t lose when we obey our heavenly Father.

We’ve been processing our hearts, grieving our loss, and going through stages of surrender. We’ve landed at the place of trust, being on board for whatever God has for us. Our transition from Tucson to Omaha, twenty-eight years ago was scary to get out of our comfort zones and sad to leave our precious family and friends. So it will be again this time around. Our time here has been a gift to us and we trust Wichita will also be full of wonderful surprises as we hold tightly onto God’s hand.

“Sometimes God closes doors because it’s time to move forward. He knows you won’t move unless your circumstances force you. Trust the transition. God’s got you!”


Relevant Reflection:

How can you make your transition more smooth by surrendering and trusting God?

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