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The Lies We Believe

“Most of our unhappiness and emotional struggles are caused by the lies we tell ourselves.”

Dr. Chris Thurman

Many of our emotional problems today can be traced back to believing lies about who God is and about ourselves. The enemy of our souls used this very thing in Genesis chapter three to question and doubt God’s goodness which led to the Fall and sin. Our wholeheartedness, having emotional well-being, depends on whether we’re believing the lies from the enemy or telling ourselves the truth from God’s Word.

The Holy Spirit urged me to discern which lies most often prevent me from trusting God, especially when I’m a speaker. Here is my list and the subsequent truths He taught me.

It must be perfect. God showed me that it is my imperfections and vulnerability that draw the audience to listen. This requires me to be genuine and humble. Being authentic is attractive.

You must look good. The truth is, as a speaker, I’m to make God look good! I do that by highlighting the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit’s attributes, and who they are in my life. As I walk in humility and obedience, by following the Spirit’s leadership by preferring His direction over my preparation, I make them the stars of the show. Letting the Holy Spirit have free reign and control over my words, and what He wants to say versus what I’ve planned to say, honors and upholds God’s authority.

You can only trust yourself. Instead of setting things in place and being in control, I’m to trust in God’s goodness in my life and His trustworthiness. Equally important is for me to grow in trusting I am hearing God correctly and that if He’s redirecting, I’m to follow.

You must follow the rules and never deviate from them. This goes back to the instruction I had as a preschooler to “color within the lines.” If the Spirit says to do things differently, then that’s exactly what I need to do. Obedience is to be our only preference.

When the Holy Spirit shines His light on a lie that you’re believing about yourself or God, repent and ask God to show you His truth. “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind” (Romans 12:2a). Renewing your mind with God’s truth unleashes emotional wholeness and peace as you live congruently with God’s Word.


“Until we identify our lies and replace them with the truth, emotional well-being is impossible.”

Dr. Chris Thurman

Relevant Reflection:

What lies are you believing which prevent you from deepening your trust in God? Repent for each lie and ask God what His truth is to counteract the lie.

Image by Gordon Johnson from Pixabay

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