“Brokenness is often the road to breakthrough.”
Tony Evans
I’m in a season of brokenness; a time when dreams aren’t fulfilled, expectations are unmet, and loss is all around me. Loss always needs to be grieved, so I’m putting my Kleenix to good use as I pour out my heart to the Lord. Even though I would never choose this “winter” season, I’m grateful God chose it for me. I know He is good and will bring good from it. As I accept, submit, surrender, and embrace this season of my life, He will somehow make something beautiful out of it.
The Lord has fulfilled His promise to me in Psalm 34:18: “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” I hear His whispers of comfort and encouragement. This is for your good. Trust Me in this. I have a plan and I know what I’m doing. Don’t be afraid Norma; I’ve got this. Last night in small group, a friend encouraged us saying we will know who God is in each season.
Brokenness, if we let it, will humble us, make us more grateful and aware of other peoples’ needs around us. While in the checkout line at Walmart two weeks ago, I noticed the older woman behind me with a large Thanksgiving cake. I sensed the Lord say, Pay for her cake.
I turned to the woman and said, “This may sound strange, but God wants me to pay for your cake. Would that be alright?” She graciously said yes and thanked me.
Being used by God in that simple way, so humbled me that I couldn’t get out of Walmart fast enough before my tears flowed. Through sobs I thanked Him for all that He’s provided.
Henri Nouwen says, “Our life is full of brokenness-broken relationships, broken promises, broken expectations. How can we live with that brokenness without becoming bitter and resentful except by returning again and again to God’s faithful presence in our lives.” During this winter season of my life, I’m doing just that. I’m returning again and again to God, trusting Him to make beauty out of my brokenness.
“God can use brokenness to do something beautiful. The cracks allow His light to shine through and His living water to pour out.”
Renee Swope
Relevant Reflections:
How have you seen God beautify your brokenness?
How do you respond to brokenness?