“The knowledge of God and that of ourselves are connected. Without knowledge of God there is no knowledge of self.”
John Calvin
One of the benefits from seeing a life coach is the heightened awareness and understanding of myself. I’ve been encouraged to make time to reflect back each week on what worked and what didn’t work in hopes of maximizing my moments. Making time for those activities that pour back into me, while diminishing those that take away, help make the best version of me. Knowing how God has made me tick, frees me to be who He has created me to be. The path to self-awareness comes through God-awareness.
Revelation is the word I’ve focused on and prayed into for 2018. My desire is to have a greater understanding of who God is. It’s the Creator who knows the insides and outs of their creation, much like an artist perceives what they want their masterpiece to look like.
Before the foundation of the world, God had an idea of who He wanted us to become. He has known all along, but it’s a life-long process to learn who that is. Psalm 139:15-16 says, “My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.”
When we have a greater grasp of who God is and who we are and we humbly surrender to God’s plans and purposes, there will be no stopping of what we can do together with God. We will experience fulfillment of our dreams as we comprehend who God is and who we are.
Rejoice in how God has created you, your strengths as well as your weaknesses. As you deepen your knowledge of God, you will experience more self-awareness. The closer you get to God, the clearer of who you are, becomes.
“One of the most helpful things I’ve learned in my years as a pastor is the crucial role that self-awareness plays in our growth as Christians.”
Sam Storms
Relevant Reflection:
Make it a priority to deepen your knowledge of God and thus become more aware of yourself.