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Power Perfected

Norma Donovan

“If we get to thinking that it is our best assets that make us most valued to the Lord then we are close to being useless.  We must become acquainted with our weaknesses if we are to see Him use us for great purposes.”

Neil Cole

“Lord, You’ve chosen the wrong gal!”  Six years ago while on a Mediterranean cruise I listed eight reasons why God had made a mistake in calling me to write for Him.  He patiently listened to me and then very gently, yet firmly said, “That is exactly why you are the right one.  Now you know why I’ve called you to write for Me, for this place of your greatest weakness will show My greatest glory!” 

He went on to say, “Norma, My sweet daughter, these are all excuses, just like Moses tried to convince Me I chose the wrong man to lead the Israelites out of Egypt and into the Promised Land.  Accept and embrace these weaknesses and even revel in them, knowing when I show up through you, the world will know it’s Me, and not you writing.  I will be the One who receives the glory.  Remember, the greater your weakness, the greater the glory I will receive.”  What comfort and courage these words still give to me today.

Impossibilities are opportunities for God-possibilities.  My weaknesses allow God’s strength to shine.  My inability highlights God’s ability.  When my limits discourage me, I hold on to Paul’s words in II Corinthians 12:9.  “But He said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness.’  Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.”  The word “perfect” in the Greek is Teleo.  It means “to complete anything, not merely to end it, but to bring it to perfection or its destined goal.  The greatness of Christ’s power is fully manifested in the sphere of human weakness.”

Our weaknesses don’t have to hinder us.  They can help us if they push us to deepen our dependence upon God.  If writing came easy for me and I was naturally gifted in that area, then there wouldn’t be a need for me to cry out to God for His help.  It’s always a good thing when my weaknesses heighten my need for God.  I throw myself upon God, wholly depending on His empowerment and enablement. Our dependence on God deepens our intimacy with God.

Never allow your weakness to stand in the way of God’s call on your life.  God‘s call always comes with His equipping.  Just as butterflies’ wings are strengthened in the process of coming out of the confines of the cocoon, so too our weaknesses give us opportunity to grow in perseverance which matures into godly character.

Do you want more of Christ’s power to rest upon you?  Then don’t hide or run from your weaknesses.  Instead, gladly boast about them.  Watch and see what God will do in and through you because of those weaknesses.  Marvel at His power being perfected in you!

“We should keep up in our hearts a constant sense of our own weakness, not with a design to discourage the mind and depress the spirits, but with a view to drive us out of ourselves in search of the Divine assistance.“

Hannah More

Relevant Reflections:

  1. In what areas of your life do you need God’s power to be made perfect?

  2. Thank God for those weaknesses and limitations.

  3. How can you embrace your weakness and depend more on God?

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