“There is no greater privilege than being a host to God Himself. Neither is there a greater responsibility.”
Bill Johnson
May I become Your ‘tent of meeting’ because I am Your resting place. That was my prayer to God last month. As what usually happens within my mind, one thought leads to another. Before I knew it I was pondering the meaning of purging.
Purge means “to cleanse or purify by separating and carrying off whatever is impure, foreign or superfluous.” I have read many books on organization in hopes of transforming my home into a more peaceful environment. They encourage you to de-clutter or to purge the unwanted stuff. One particular guideline is “one in and one out.” In other words, if you’re buying a new pair of shoes then you also need to get rid of a pair of shoes. Sorry girls!
When we purge we make more room. That is not only true in the natural realm, but in the spiritual one as well. The purpose of making room is so that the Holy Spirit, or God’s Presence can take up more space within us.
We need to get rid of the old or sinful attitudes to make room for the new, the pure and holy. Scriptures such as Ephesians 4:31, James 1:21 and I Peter 2:1 exhort us to get rid of unhealthy emotional clutter and sinful habits, such as:
bitterness, rage and anger
brawling and slander
every form of malice (to regard with extreme ill will)
all moral filth
deceit and hypocrisy
I would also add to the list unforgiveness, offense, hurt and believing lies from the enemy. These must also be purged to make room for the Holy Spirit to fill the space within us. When we purify ourselves from whatever defiles us, we’re saying to the Holy Spirit, “You’re the One I want to spend time with. I’m abandoning myself to You.” Valuing God’s Presence and wanting Him to fully possess us brings a smile to our heavenly Father’s face.
Making room for the Presence of God brings us joy. As King David said in Psalm 16:11, “You have made known to me the path of life; You will fill me with joy in Your presence, with eternal pleasure at Your right hand.” Let’s purge whatever is not of God and choose holiness, making room for the Holy Spirit to dwell within.
“The responsibility for the measure of God’s Presence that we carry lies with us. We always have what we earnestly want.”
Bill Johnson
Relevant Reflection:
Which of the bullet points do you need to purge in order to make room for God’s Presence? Spend time repenting of your sin and receiving God’s forgiveness.