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Norma Donovan

Launch Tools

“We are made for larger ends than Earth can encompass. Oh, let us be true to our exalted destiny.”

Catherine Booth

“You’re ready to launch!” My leadership coach spoke those words to me during my last session with her. Since those appointments, I’ve reflected on all that God taught me and worked within me during the months I was coached. A handyman takes a tool box with him on his job, so he has what he needs when he needs it. Likewise, I’ve come up with tools from my coaching sessions which help me launch into my God-given destiny. If I remember to utilize them, then I have a greater chance to fulfill my calling. Maybe some of these will propel you forward in your purpose in life. I need to:

  1. Value my calling by making it a priority.

  2. Experience less of the “drainers” in my life and establish more of the “gainers” every day.

  3. Make time for solitude, sitting still and hearing God’s voice, and writing.

  4. “Create space” which births creativity, by not having my schedule packed with commitments.

  5. Acknowledge my fears and allow them to draw me closer to God.

  6. Set and protect my boundaries.

  7. Know how God has made me so I can steward myself by including time to plan, reflect and evaluate.

  8. Stop and ask myself, what do I need most now, when I’m stressed.

  9. Celebrate my achievements.

  10. Let go of the old for the benefit of change and growth to occur.

  11. Know my sustainable pace.

  12. Remind myself that I am worthy to fulfill the call and that God trusts me to steward it.

In order to become the best version of who God created me to be, I need to take advantage of those aids. My launch tools, when remembered and applied, help me fulfill God’s assignment for my life. Colossians 3:23 gives us encouragement in how to launch. “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men.” God is worthy for us to fulfill our purpose which He created us to attain.

“You can’t fulfill your calling in your comfort zone.”

            Steven Furtick

Relevant Reflection:

Which launch tools do you need to put to use?

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