“Other people may have more talent, education, or experience but God’s favor can cause you to go places you could not go on your own.”
My high school Young Life leader encouraged us to simply say thank you when we’re given a compliment. Our tendency can be to discount it, to appear humble. Instead, she instructed us to receive the affirmation and express gratefulness. Receiving God’s favor is similar. There is nothing we could ever do to earn His kindness. Like a compliment, it is a gift from God, which when received, we need to thank Him.
During this Christmas season I am reminded of Jesus’ mother Mary. Luke 1:30 says, “But the angel said to her, ‘Do not be afraid, Mary, you have found favor with God.'” The kindness of God gave a virgin the ability to give birth to the long-awaited Messiah. God’s favor turns ordinary people into extraordinary. It’s God’s kindness which turns the natural into the supernatural. You can tell when God has touched a situation with His favor. Doors open quickly, and things happen faster than normal. It’s obvious when His fingerprints are all over a relationship. Strangers open their hearts and confide in you.
A few months ago, God was speaking to me about His favor and how to respond to it. This is what I heard: Use it, but don’t abuse it. Utilize the favor I have placed upon you – maximize it – for My glory. Don’t hold back, like you’re tempted to. I have given it to you because I know I can trust you with it. I know you will not abuse it to get your way or for selfish ambition. Use it to get more people into My kingdom. Use it to gain access into more hearts that you can restore through Me. Use it to lead more of My children into My bedroom chamber, where intimacy awaits them. Don’t ignore, shrink back, or hide from the position of favor that I have placed you in. Embrace it and always turn to Me, for Me to receive the glory.
Just as I learned from my Young Life leader, I thank God for the gift of His favor that He has bestowed on me. And like the Holy Spirit shared, I want to use God’s favor to maximize His kingdom, for His glory, and never abuse it.
“When a king’s face brightens, it means life; his favor is like a rain cloud in spring.”
Proverbs 16:15
Relevant Reflection
Describe a time when you experienced God’s favor. Take time to thank Him for it.