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Formula for Greatness

Norma Donovan

“Greatness is born from an unwavering resolve to decrease so that Christ can increase.”

Chuck Swindoll

I stumbled upon the formula for greatness while reading I Chronicles 11 and 12. When I mention greatness, I’m referring to making the Lord’s name great through my life. I want people to look at Jesus and in awe exclaim, “Wow! What a great God we serve!”

Greatness is a two-part formula with the foremost ingredient being the presence of God. I Chronicles 11:9 says, “And David became greater and greater for the Lord of hosts was with him.” No matter what battle you may be facing, pursue being in God’s presence. It’s His presence which makes us victorious.

 Nothing happens unless the Lord is with us. Jesus attests to this in John 15:5: “I am the vine, you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.” In other words, Me + God = Much Fruit; Me – God = Nothing.

The second ingredient in the greatness recipe is to surround yourself with mighty men and women. David’s mighty men came together to give him strong support and were fully determined to make David king over all of Israel (I Chronicles 11:10, 12:38). Even though the prophet Samuel had prophesied and anointed David to become king, Saul was still on the throne and wanted to kill David.

We’re only as great as the people we surround ourselves with. If it wasn’t for the mighty men and women who have encompassed me and believed in God’s destiny for my life, I would not be where I am today. There’s courage in numbers. This fearful woman would not have obeyed the Lord without my family and friends who have encouraged, prayed, and come alongside of me.

David’s mighty men encircled him giving him the support he needed to get him where God wanted him to go. Likewise, the love and devotion of the mighty men and women in our lives turn God’s dreams into realities. Remember, God’s presence plus surrounding yourself with mighty men, those who believe in God’s call on your life, equals greatness.

“I don’t want to play with marbles, when God told me to move mountains!”

Reinhard Bonnke

Relevant Reflections:

  1. How do you pursue God’s presence?

  2. Who are your “mighty men” and how has God used them to help you fulfill your God-given destiny?

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