“Don’t spend your life trying to be someone else. No one has ever walked the planet who can represent God the way you can.”
Lisa Bevere
“The dream of God is to be discovered and embraced until it becomes our dream.” I read this quote by Bill Johnson, from his newest book, “The Way of Life.”
“Lord, what is your dream for me? Before you created me, what dream did You have in mind for me to fulfill?”
God’s response: That you would mentor the masses as a mother. You’re already doing this through your writing. How I created you, secures that you do this. I made you this way, to mentor others, in a loving and nurturing way. All the strengths I gave to you, funnel together for this one purpose. Like ingredients in a recipe, they come together to make something which gives nourishment to those who partake.
God then began to show me how my uniqueness, as seen through my five signature theme strengths, is tailored made to fulfill my life’s assignment.
Responsibility: The ownership of your call compels you to mentor the masses. You have to write, speak and mentor. You cannot not do this.
Woo (Winning Others Over): Your winsomeness causes people to feel comfortable and accepted, which in turn prompts them to listen and trust what I gave you to say. They will be drawn to follow you, because you’re approachable.
Positivity: Your cheerfulness gives them hope, even with truths which may be hard to digest. Your genuine enthusiasm about your love for Me, is contagious.
Developer: I gave you an insatiable desire to see others grow and become who I created them to be. You do this like a mom cheering her sons and daughters on.
Belief: Your confidence in My Word and who I am, when done in humility, causes others to believe.
Do you see how you are “fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139:14)? Each of these five ingredients, when combined, creates a mother’s heart that mentors the masses.
Each of you are uniquely made by the Creator, for a dream He had in mind with you. Discover His dream and embrace it till it becomes yours.
“For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.”
Ephesians 2:10
Relevant Reflection:
How has God uniquely created you, for what He dreamed for you to do?