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Discipleship Lessons Learned from 2022 Part Two

“Christianity without discipleship is always Christianity without Christ.”

Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Jesus wrote in John 8:31, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples.” We read in John 13:35, “By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” Lastly, “This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples” (John 15:8). Jesus taught His twelve disciples, and He continues to teach us through Scripture and His personal words of instruction as we sit still and listen to His voice. Here are more of the discipleship lessons God taught me last year.

  • The pressure to perform steals our joy and shuts down the freedom to be ourselves.

  • We rob God of His nature when we do not allow Him to comfort and protect us.

  • There is a correlation between rest and trust. The more you trust the Father, the more you can live from a position of rest.

  • We need to grieve our loss before joy can be found. Grief gives way to joy. Joy comes in the mourning. Mourning is the entryway to joy. We can hold grief and joy simultaneously.

  • Our identity is entwined in the lies or truths we believe. You live from what you believe.

  • The best version of ourselves is the one God had in mind when He designed us. Being that person is the way to an abundant life.

  • Reframing is the art of looking at circumstances through God’s perspective. Giving God thanks helps us see what He sees and prevents us from falling into the self-pity trap.

  • We walk confidently when we place our trust in who God is and His ability rather than our own capability.

  • God proves Himself to us in our weakness so that we grow in our trust in Him. Trust leads to transformation.

  • God is prouder of what we allow Him to accomplish within our hearts than what we do.

  • You have to want healing to receive it.

  • Our relationship with God is hindered if we do not take care of our souls. Making our home in God, and having our souls aligned with and connected to God, frees us to be ourselves.

“All who are called to salvation are called to discipleship, no exceptions, no excuses!”

Bill Hull

Relevant Reflection:

What would your everyday life look like if you lived from an “I am God’s beloved” identity?”

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