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“Carelessness is an insult to the Holy Spirit.”

Oswald Chambers

The temptation to become careless abounds unless we “consider our ways” as the prophet encourages the Israelites to do in Haggai 1:5, 7. The prophet Jeremiah also gives us good advice: “Let us examine our ways and test them and let us return to the Lord” (Lamentations 3:40). It’s too easy to go astray from God’s will if we don’t give careful thought to our ways.

The Israelites were instructed to stop and evaluate how things were going for them. Haggai showed them that even though they’ve sown much they’ve harvested little, and they’re never satisfied with what they eat and drink. Because they didn’t pause and assess how things were working, they didn’t realize God was trying to get their attention. Likewise, when things are not going the way we expect them to, that is the time to stop, reflect, and ask God what is going on. Because He just might be trying to get our attention.

God’s people made rebuilding their own houses more of a priority over rebuilding God’s house and thus they were reaping God’s judgment. Do you spend more time building your own mission or do you prayerfully seek to build what God desires? What if we sought the Lord first for His plans, instead of plowing through with our own agenda? I have a hunch we would save ourselves a lot of heartache from disappointment if we chose to fulfill God’s will.

I don’t always consider my ways, but if I did than there would be more fruit. Thinking carefully about what I’m doing involves seeking God’s heart and opinion on the matter. I need to ask myself: Am I doing what God wants me to do? If not, then I need to repent and change my ways. We first consider our ways so we know how to change our ways. In order for the “much fruit” of John 15:5 to be produced, we must be doing what God wants us to do. Leaning on God, being connected to Him, listening to His heart and obeying Him, will bear much fruit.

The Israelites listened and obeyed Haggai’s words and as a result the Lord promised He would be with them. God’s presence is a given when we do what He wants us to do. And when we consider our ways we will be careful to obey God’s instructions. “I have considered my ways and have turned my steps to your statutes” (Psalm 119:59).

“Beware of becoming careless over the small details of life. Whatever it may be, God will point it out with persistence until we become entirely His.”

Oswald Chambers

Relevant Reflection:

Take time to protect yourself from being careless by considering your ways.

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