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Amazing Grace

Norma Donovan

“There are no good days and no bad days…only days of grace! Sometimes grace enables us to enjoy what is happening and other times grace gives us power to endure life’s circumstances. Either way…grace abounds and majesty comes into full view.”

Graham Cooke

A few years ago I went on a short-term mission trip to Scotland. I sat in the back row flying over and as I got off the plane, my left leg seared with pain. Unbeknownst to me, I had herniated a disc. Not knowing what was wrong and fearing the worst only magnified the pain. It was difficult staying involved with the team while being in pain. I remember one night in particular, crying out to the Lord for His grace to carry me. With tears streaming down my face, being unsure of whether or not I’d be healed, I begged Him to please not stop speaking to me. I had to have the comfort of His Presence, by hearing His voice.

Frankly, I do not know how people live without the grace of God. Grace is defined as God’s “unmerited love and favor.” It’s His grace in the first place, that jump starts our relationship with God. I love what D. L. Moody says. “The law tells me how crooked I am. Grace comes along and straightens me out.”

I have discovered it’s God’s grace that enables me to do His will. Recently my schedule was busier than usual. It involved some traveling, losing sleep, ministry and speaking. In and of myself I could not do it, but when the grace of God takes over, it’s as if I am being carried. The supply of energy and anointing is boundless.

Prior to my first short-term mission trip to Mexico, my girlfriend gave me the Scripture Second Corinthians 9:8. “And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.” The Greek word for grace is charis. It’s “a favor done without expectation of return; absolute freeness of the lovingkindness of God to man.” The word abound means “to have or possess in great quantity; to be copiously supplied; to be great in plenty.” It’s amazing God gives us His unearned and unmerited favor and ability to live each day. Yes, His grace helps us to either enjoy the day or to endure it.

How has God recently supplied His abounding grace to you? In what way has His grace appeared in your life? Where do you need His grace to come through for you? Is it in dealing with physical pain or the emotional pain of loneliness? Do you need more of His grace in a particular relationship? Is God asking you to do more than you think you can, physically or spiritually? Don’t hesitate to ask for God to make all grace abound to you, in all things and at all times.

My prayer is that each of us will experience God’s amazing grace. May His grace cause us to enjoy or to endure what each day brings. Taste and see God’s abounding grace!

“Grace grows best in the winter.”

Samuel Rutherford

Relevant Reflections:

1. How has God’s grace helped you to enjoy your day? Thank Him for it.

2. In what ways has God’s grace helped you to endure your day? Praise Him for His abounding grace.

3. In what situation do you need God’s grace to abound to you? In prayer, ask Him to pour out more of His grace upon your life.

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