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A Gentle Rebuke

“God does not discipline us to subdue us, but to condition us for a life of usefulness and blessedness.”

Billy Graham

“I say this nicely to you, My daughter, ‘Get over yourself!’” Those were the words I heard from my loving heavenly Father, a few months ago. This gentle rebuke came after I hesitated to speak prophetically during the church service. God was addressing the internal tug-of-war that raced through my mind during two opportunities for ministry. My dialogue of questioning and doubting if I heard God correctly caused my hesitation and earned an admonition from God.

Ephesians 4:15 says, “Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ.” I am grateful that the Holy Spirit called me out and shined His convicting light on my sin so I could repent of pride and fear of man. God loves me and wants the best for me, and He knows when I obey Him immediately, I will experience immeasurable joy and fulfillment in being who He made me to be.

God encouraged me with these words: You must land believing you did hear me accurately. Each step and act of obedience will lead to obeying Me more quickly the next time, till the wrestling within you no longer exists and you obey Me immediately. Get to that place, Norma, where you no longer care about yourself, your reputation, or looking foolish. Get to the place of immediate obedience. That is what love looks like. When you love Me more than yourself, you care less about how you might look or what others might think. That is what trust looks like.

God’s desire for each of us is to become the man or woman He created us to be. The Potter has fashioned and designed us for a particular use, but pride gets in the way of us fully becoming that creation. When God asks us to give a prophetic word of encouragement, when He asks us to pray, serve, or speak, it is His invitation for us to share with others, who we are and who He created us to be. God wants the vessels He has made, to be useful to the Master Himself and prepared to do any good work in ministry to others (2 Timothy 2:20-21).

Back in November, God promised He would “unleash” the real Norma and free me to be who He created me to be at the church we are attending. This process has been slow and tedious, much like weight loss. I hope this gradual and consistent training will make me into the vessel He’s had in mind all along since my creation.

“It is in mercy and in measure that God chastiseth His children.”

John Trapp

Relevant Reflection:

In a recent admonition from the Lord, how was He training you to become His useful vessel?

Image by Alexander from Pixabay

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